What is CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility?
Environmental Responsibility
What do we do in pabisa hotels to help the Environment?.
We manage our waste and avoid pollution
We don´t waste water
We save energy

Pabisa Hotels has achieved the prestigious Travelife sustainability certificate for all of its establishments. This certificate is backed by the Eco-Innovation initiative from the European Union and approved by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
Since obtaining the Travelife Gold seal awarded for 2019-2021 for the Pabisa Orlando, Pabisa Sofia and Pabisa Chico hotels, all the necessary measures have been taken since then and to date to guarantee environmental, social and economic sustainability. It also involves the inclusion of all the chain's hotels in the Travelife Collection online catalogue with the Travelife Gold seal.
Community Responsibility
The interested parties are those persons or organisations whose interests may be affected in either a positive or a negative way by our provision of services. The Management at Pabisa Hotels have decided that the interested parties relevant to the quality control system are as follows:
Our clients
Company shareholders
+ de 200 employees
Our suppliers
Tour operators with whom we collaborate
The community to which we belong
The Civil service
Palma 365 Foundation
The Palma de Mallorca 365 Tourism Foundation is a non-profit public body with mixed management, or public-private management, dealing with matters of tourism and promotion outside the islands, formed by the Palma City Council, as majority member, the Balearic Port Authority and 28 private companies, all of whom hold prestigious reputations or are leaders in the tourism sector at national or international level, aiming to promote and develop tourism in the city of Palma and also across the island of Majorca.
Pabisa Hotels and Caritas Mallorca have signed a collaboration agreement to organise campaigns to collect toys, clothing, food, personal hygiene products and other items in collaboration with employees. Caritas is a charitable organisation which forms part of the Church of Majorca and it aims to promote, organise and coordinate charitable actions and social equality, with special attention being paid to the most vulnerable members of our society.
Pabisa Hotels and the Sant Joan de Deu Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement where the hotel chain has agreed to finance certain projects or action programmes brought about by the charitable organisation to help individuals and families who find themselves in a position of social vulnerability on the island of Majorca by improving their living conditions and facilitating social integration and opportunities to find employment.
Community / Suppliers
The hotel chain continues to collaborate with Es Refugi, an altruistic association which works to provide shelter and meet the basic needs of people at risk of social exclusion.
Community / Suppliers
Pabisa Hotels continues to collaborate with the Majorcan Food Bank Foundation by contributing to the channelling of surplus food items produced by our society to ensure that they reach those in need.
Responsibility to the market
Commitments of the Quality Control System
- To fulfil the requirements of our clients and guests.
- Attend to our clients with in a professional and courteous manner, analysing their expectations and striving to achieve them
- Guarantee our clients’ comfort and safety in our facilities
- Encourage continuous development of our Quality Control System
- Provide the human, technical and material resources for our objectives to be met
- The management at the Chico and Sofía hotels and the Orlando aparthotel, along with the Board of Directors of Pabisa Hotels are committed to ensuring that our policy is known, understood and applied in an effective manner by all members of our team. Ensure all decisions made by the executive team are ethical and ensure safe and sanitary work conditions for our employees.
- Promote the development of Human Resources and generate a good working environment
- Promover el desarrollo de los RRHH y generar un buen ambiente de trabajo.
- Establish yearly objectives, and a periodical follow-up of our quality indicators. Continuous training of the work force to improve competitiveness, keep up to date, as well as comply with local regulations.
- Satisfy our clients as well as our shareholders
- Encourage our suppliers to adapt to the established quality criteria
- Paying attention to the risks, opportunities and changes that occur within the business context and adapting to market requirements.
- Train and equip the whole team in order to be aware of and ensure efficiency at work.
- Promote communication and awareness amongst all the employees and collaborators of the organisation, achieving a high level of involvement and teamwork.
- Insist on quality from collaborators and suppliers.
- Ensure compliance of the ISO 9001:2015 regulation and all current legislation.
- The Quality Policy is communicated throughout and understood within the organisation and is revised periodically to ensure continuous adaptation.
Our mission, vision and values
Our mission
Pabisa Hotels' mission is to satisfy the requirements of our clients by continually improving the quality standards of our services and facilities. This commitment extends to rewarding our shareholders, promoting the personal and professional growth of our employees, to generating a good working environment, to actively contributing to our community and to adopting measures with the final objective of ensuring equal opportunities for both men and women and to eliminate any discrimination based on gender.
Our vision
Our vision is to adapt our production capacity in order to meet market characteristics, and to become one of the most profitable hotel chains in Playa de Palma by optimising all the resources that we have available and achieving optimum satisfaction levels for our clients.
Our values
Client focused: our prime objective and greatest wish is to serve our clients and satisfy their every need. We try to concentrate on discovering their requirements in order to satisfy these needs.
Professionalism: an essential value amongst the employees of the chain is the commitment and rigour present in their daily activity.
Quality service: it is essential that the service we provide meets the expectations of our guests.

2017 has also been the year that Pabisa Hotels were awarded the Quality Distinction ISO 9001:2015. This accreditation has been presented to the four hotel establishments belonging to the chain, with a total of 762 rooms and 1,416 beds, and also to the office headquarters of the chain.
By adapting to the UNE-EN ISO 9001 regulation, we have demonstrated our ability to provide products and services in a coherent manner which satisfy the requirements of our clients and comply with the applicable legislation.
Responding to client reviews
Client satisfaction and certification
Client review portal
Client review portal
Client review portal
Responsibility in the workplace
With regards to the employment sector, Pabisa Hotels believes in equal opportunities and cares about human and social development within less fortunate communities. With this in mind, Pabisa collaborates with several associations such as the Gira-Sol (Sunflower) Association which deals with integration in the workplace for people with disabilities. -
Social benefits. Employees at Pabisa Hotels are given a card which entitles them to discounts at various establishments including car workshops, physiotherapy clinics, gyms, leisure centres, a bowling alley, hairdressers, car hire, domestic appliance shops and restaurants. -
End of season meal. At the end of the season all our employees are invited to enjoy a meal with their colleagues and the management as a thank you for their hard work during the season. -
Training provided by the company. A comprehensive training programme is provided every year for employees. The staff are able to suggest the courses that they would like to undertake. -
Actions to improve the general health of our employees. -
Actions to facilitate the work-life balance.

Agreement with Intress, Gira-Sol Association
We maintain an agreement with Intress, Gira-Sol Association, an organisation whose mission is to promote actions which aim to improve the health and social wellbeing of persons with mental health issues and their families, in order to achieve full integration into the community.
250 employees
36% Men
64% Women
Management level posts
52% Men
48% Women