Pabisa Hotels, a great place to work
Pabisa Hotels currently employs 216 people (up to 246 in high season), 16 of them at head office and the rest in the four hotel establishments that the chain owns and operates in Playa de Palma, Majorca. One of the main priorities for the owners and managers of the company is to ensure that all the staff are happy and feel proud to be part of the company, which motivates them to be the best they can every day.
As the title states, without beating about the bush, Pabisa hotels really is a great place to work. What are the main reasons for us believing this to be true? María Márquez, Human Resources Manager, has revealed what the employees’ rate most highly:

- The atmosphere at work is friendly, close and generates confidence.The bosses are always available. Work colleagues and employees and bosses all work together and support one another. A feeling of belonging to a family is encouraged so that everyone feels comfortable.

- Stable work contracts.At Pabisa Hotels, much of the staff at head office have been with the company since it started in 2005. In the hotels, the staff have continuity year after year, and at the end of each season, the company will confirm whether it requires them to return for the next season. This way, the staff have peace of mind and their confidence is reinforced. When Pabisa purchases an establishment, whenever possible, the existing team of employees will be kept on. Due to this policy, there are some housekeeping staff who have been working in the same establishment for over three decades.
- The staff identify to a great degree with the Pabisa Hotels project.This Majorcan hotel chain is still a small business, but it’s growing all the time and it offers solid prospects for promotion and stability. The company involves the staff in all future plans, and therefore, they feel that the project is theirs too.

- We facilitate a work-life balance.Having children or plans to have them in the future is not an obstacle to working with Pabisa Hotels. Some of our employees are able to take up the possibility to work reduced hours in order to care for children. Also, nobody feels the need to practise “presenteeism”. At our offices, there are two shifts, one from 8.00 until 17.00 and the other from 9.00 to 18.00, and these times are respected.
- There are training courses available for our staff. Every year, usually at the end of the season, any employee who wishes to can enrol on free language courses (English, German, French…) or specialised courses, depending upon their skill set or area of work: desserts, buffet or international cuisine for kitchen staff; marketing techniques or courses on organisation and time management for receptionists, etc.

Periodically there are vacancies within the company, especially in the hotels. Job vacancies are published on the Infojobs website before the hotels open in order to cover any possible gaps in staffing levels and also during the season in order to cover sick leave or holidays.
Before advertising any vacancies, we always consult the curriculums that we have received either through the letterbox located at head office, by e-mail or via the Candidate section on the official Pabisa Hotelswebsite.
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